Danushki Perera

Digital Marketing Consultant in Sri Lanka

Facebook is forcing to install the Messenger App

Have you noticed that every time you log on to your Facebook mobile application they are informing you to download the Facebook Messenger app?

How many have clicked “later” and how many have clicked “Install Now”?

Well If you have clicked the “Later” link, then it’s time to download the application.

Facebook has announced from Wednesday onwards they have started to force the users to download the Messenger app. If you haven’t, then you can’t read your messages in the Inbox.

This will be only effective to the users of Android and iPhone app.

Have you ever thought why Facebook forces you to download their Messenger app?
Well, In my point of view Facebook is a company who are finding many ways to increase their profit. Facebook app and Facebook Messenger apps are one of their main applications to catch the Facebook lovers and gain profit. Since the Facebook app has the benefit of reading the Messages and all users are not intended to download the Messenger app since it would reduce the mobile space plus why they need to download it since the Facebook app covers what Messenger do.

So now the Facebook has found out a good way both to market their apps. If you need to read your friends’ activity Install the Facebook app and If you need to chat with your friends Install the Messenger app.
Good business ha!
Some of the reviews about the Facebook Messenger app.


FB Messenger Review


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