Danushki Perera

Digital Marketing Consultant in Sri Lanka

Month: June 2018

  • Go Digital : Digital Transformation of Businesses in Southern Province

    Go Digital : Digital Transformation of Businesses in Southern Province

    ICTA, Information and Communication Technology Agency is the head ICT agency of Sri Lanka which is has a responsible of imlementing  ICT projetcs initated by the government. Creating an objective of empowering  the national digital economy and creating a digital adoption at regional level ICTA launched a program called Go Digital. The initial workshop held…

  • 1st Women Will Workshop in Sri Lanka

    1st Women Will Workshop in Sri Lanka

    WomenWill is a new initiative of Google to support women to grow and success in their businesses. This new chapter helps women to build skills, get inspired, and connect with each other through training, events and advocacy. In Sri Lanka Womenwill community was launched  on 7th April 2018 at Mas Innovation Centre. Nearly 120 women…